Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am a pretty private person which is why I chose to start this blog. I can say things that I would never say in person. Like this news of my pregnancy. I haven't really said anything at work because I don't like the attention. I have told my boss and a couple of the girls and that is it because I hate attention brought on me. When Charles and I were having problems, the lady who leads our prayer time here at work pretty much made me tell because she wanted everyone to pray and while I did want everyone to pray because it worked, I hated putting myself out there. I am so much better at being in the background. So it struck me funny that someone at work asked me if I was having a baby because I was dumbfounded that they knew. I asked how they knew and they said well you put it on your blog. I was like someone reads my blog? Mostly I write this thing for myself. I don't ever expect people to read it. So while Charles has told everyone he knows and put it all over Facebook that we are having a baby, I have told my family and 3 other people. It isn't that I don't want people to know, it is that I don't want to stand up and make a big announcement in front of the world because then everyone is looking at me. I figure people will figure it out when I get big in just my stomach or that I have a tumor :-)

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