Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Drama

So Charles and I went to our first OB appointment. This is where you give a ton of blood and the doctor listens to the babies heartbeat. When we went 4 years ago for Cassie, it was a very easy appointment. Oh not this time. Everything was great until we listened for the heartbeat. The doctor could not find the heartbeat. He did say my uterus was tilted down so it maybe harder but then he called for the portable ultrasound machine. Then for I swear 2 minutes, he did not say a word while he was putting the wand on my stomach. Charles and I literally thought the worse. Finally he said, well there the baby is, it just won't quit moving. Oh the relief we both felt was big. The doctor could never get a good reading on the heartbeat because he couldn't get the baby to stay still long enough. All I can think is great, the baby already has ADHD. He did show us the sonogram and man was the baby hyper. I swear I only drank water that day.

So everyone keeps telling us we are having a boy. Well we can't find out until the end of February. Well I bought this test at Target called Intelligender. Here is the website for the test. It is just for fun and not suppose to be used as a real test but they do say it is 80% accurate. So I bought it. It says we are going to have a boy so I guess we will see if it is true or not.

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