I don't care if you like President Bush or hate him, but when a President of the United States of America comes to your town, you go see him. I happen to like Bush. I don't care if you don't like him, this is not a forum to discuss how much you hate Bush. So my mom and I went to join the 30,000 people to welcome Bush home. Let me tell you it was packed. Here are some pictures of the crowd.
Does that look like 30,000 people?
Here is a picture of mom and I while we wait.
Here is the plane carrying President Bush and Mrs. Bush.
Good zoom on the camera because he was on top of a building.
Finally we got to see President Bush and Laura Bush.
The whole experience was a once in a lifetime thing. It was worth standing up for 2 1/2 hours. My back was killing me when we got back to the car but it was fun. I wish Cassie had been old enough to understand what was going on but it would not have been fun to take her and deal with. Oh well at least I will have the pictures.