Sunday, August 15, 2010

It is hard to be patient

Patience is not one of my best virtues. When I know I want something, I go get it done right then. So when we decided to sell our house, I wanted it sold right then. I understand that is very rare to sell your house as soon as you put it up. It is all up to God. I still feel good about selling it but I do wish it would happen sooner. I am proud of Charles, he is dealing with this better than I thought. He is helping me keep the house clean and has done very well on fixing everything that needs to be done to sell. Charles will get things done that need to be done, he just doesn't do it as fast as I want it done. In that I have to learn patience also. Our Realtor has said it is just slow right now. I am really not worried, I have prayed about God's plan through this whole process and still feel this is the right thing to do. I told Charles that I did not want to know about the Boulder house, if it has sold or not. When our house sells, then we will ask about it. If it has sold, then it wasn't meant to be, if it hasn't then we will put a contract on it. I think God is just teaching me patience because he knows that I have very little.

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